Excursions and Traveling

We are so glad if you manage to mingle everyday chores and working routine with interesting travels. You may say: "Yes, but nothing special! No skills are required for that. Everyone at least once a year goes on a holiday".

Yes and no… Today we would like to tell you not about that trip to the sea when you lazily turn over under the sun and gain strength, sleep off for the whole year ahead and afford yourself any gastronomic liberties at buffets and local restaurants. We’d better tell you about the travels which can turn your every day into a discovery, about watching new surprising sunrises and sunsets, enjoying unusual landscapes, unique buildings and monuments of architecture. We are sure that such, even though sometimes very short, trips may guarantee an inspiration to everyone even if you have nothing to do with creativity. A holiday can be a spontaneous idleness, but today we invite you to a Travel - a travel which may become for you a poem about romantics, love and a zeast for life.

You have already chosen the date? Call us and we will read to you hundreds of such «poems».